Upcoming Sessions
Session Change - Monday
posted by chiewong88 at 11:26 p.m. Tue 2 Jan 2024
End of an Era at Muirfield Technology High School
Since 1992, our Monday sessions at Muirfield Technology High School have been a cornerstone of our club's journey. From our club's early days, these sessions have seen countless games, laughter, and the growth of our badminton community. Our Sunday family and juniors training sessions also found its start here, adding to the legacy of this venue. However, with a heavy heart, we must announce that Muirfield Technology High School will no longer host badminton as a sport in their facility, marking the end of our sessions there after 3 decades.
A New Beginning at James Ruse High School
As one chapter closes, another begins. We are pleased to inform you that starting from the 8th of January 2024, our Monday night sessions will be relocated to James Ruse High School. The new timings for these sessions will be from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM.
Session fees for this new session will be $12 for members and $16 for visitors.
Session Change - Epping
posted by chiewong88 at 12:23 p.m. Mon 2 Jan 2023
Happy New Year to all!
2023 has arrived and we are excited for all the badminton we will play this year.
We have a major change to one of our sessions this year, with Friday Night Epping relocating to Rydalmere and slight time change of 8-11pm.
The new location gives us purpose built badminton courts with tournament grade flooring. We will have 3 courts available to us, so come along and play our new session.
Check out our Sessions page for full details.
Happy Holidays!
posted by chiewong88 at 1:59 p.m. Thu 23 Dec 2021
Important Sessions Update
posted by chiewong88 at 4:57 p.m. Fri 5 Nov 2021
posted by chiewong88 at 9:34 a.m. Fri 1 Oct 2021
Dear members,
At this stage, school based sessions are anticipated only to return after the completion of HSC exams and essentially when school holidays start at the end of the year. This is unfortunate but for the protection of the students. We will advise if this changes.
The Juniors Training program will be suspended until the new year when we can be more assured that all participating juniors will have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. For those that had registered and paid for term 3, you will be contacted separately to arrange a refund.
Sessions held at Badmintonworx Norwest, will resume when the centre is allowed to reopen. Date will be announced once confirmed by the centre, tentatively expected from week commencing 18th October in line with NSW State Regulations.
The remaining 3 weeks of the current program will be completed (if participants are vaccinated). Next program will commence in the new year, due to unavailability of the coach.- Friday - 8pm Social
As part of the potential return to community sports in general and badminton, we anticipate a
possible need for participants in these activities to be vaccinated for the following reasons:
1. To keep participants safe as vaccinations have proven to reduce the possibility of
hospitalisation and ICU for Covid patients.
2. To reduce the potential for transmission of the virus to other participants.
To ensure that we are all prepared for the eventual restarting of our sessions, the club will be enforcing that sessions will be open only to vaccinated players and thus strongly encourages all members to consider vaccination as soon as possible if you have not already done so.
If you have completed your vaccination, we would appreciate it if you can send your vaccination certificate to us via return email.
In the meantime, please keep safe and your fitness up with exercise within the government lockdown guidelines.